Renaissance of Wonder is a photographic essay exploring American highway culture, myth, and the built environment— once serving a very distinct societal purpose— that has since been left behind to be forgotten and uncared for.

“Renaissance of Wonder is also a renaissance of memories. For some of us, it will likely bring back the simple, the uncomplicated; the landscape of dreams and hopes gone awry from the writing on the wall in an abandoned gas station bathroom, to Buster’s Barn still pushing on with anticipation of selling a shovel or icy cold soda. The photography pales on one page and then throws color and lushness down like spilled paint on the next. Voices talk to you when you look at the photographs, the background music for the story of time and place. On some pages, stories of people who haven’t given up, and on another those that have. I can remember driving down roads and seeing places like this in a car without air conditioning, and it makes me realize just how long ago it was and how glad I am to have experienced some of what the photographer is revealing. It is obviously a labor of love and her camera’s eye shows that. Tom Waits would love this book.”

— Review for the book, “Renaissance of Wonder,” available for purchase here.